Common Spring Applications – JB Springs

Categories: News, Springs, Springtelligence|460 words|2.3 min read|By |Published On: December 12th, 2017|

Springs are a fundamental part of our day-to-day lives. As spring applications are often out of sight, it is likely you’ll encounter something that incorporates a functioning spring of some description.

For example, getting to work. Whatever mode of transport you use – most use some kind of spring. Below are just some of the most common, but surprising, occurrences of springs in our daily routines.


Without springs, your daily commute would be considerably more uncomfortable. Whether you ride a motorbike, drive a car, or cycle, springs protect you from the many potholes and speedbumps on Britain’s roads via various types of suspension systems. Most suspensions use passive spring techniques to absorb impact using either a leaf spring, coil spring or torsion beam.

Home Furnishings

Spring can be found in nearly every room in every household, on light switches, door hinges, toasters, kettles, washing machines and even garage doors. The most common types of springs in households are torsion and compression springs which usually store mechanical energy to aid in the operation of these items.

Upholstery Products

From sofas to arm chairs, the comfort of your living room profoundly relies on springs. After the structural build of the base and arms, it can take at least 15 further stages to create a sprung, stitched and stuffed sofa. The three most common springs in sofas include, coil springs, serpentine springs, and pocket springs.


One of the most well-known, original springs is the slinky – a pre-compressed helical spring which was invented in the early 1940’s. The springy toy can perform many tricks and re-forms itself with the aid of gravity. Another one is the pogo stick, which is an example of compression springs. These springs are naturally at rest in an extended position and contain the most amount of potential energy at their natural position.

Another main way that springs are involved in the fun in our lives is in a trampoline, which couldn’t work without the use of them all around it. This type of movement requires the use of extension springs which are naturally at rest in a compressed position of tight coils. They release energy when someone jumps on the trampoline and causes them to extend.


The tick in your watch is only possible because of the mechanisms of mainsprings, while necklace and bracelet fastenings are all down to tiny coil springs.

About JB Springs

From comfort and convenience, to fashion and leisure, spring applications are integral to modern day living, and at JB Springs we manufacture and supply springs to a wide range of industries and sectors. Operating from purpose built premises equipped with the latest spring production technology, we are committed to staying at the forefront of spring manufacturing in the UK.