Observing Volunteers’ Week
Each year, the first week of June marks Volunteers’ Week – a celebration and acknowledgement of the work carried out by volunteers. It also aims to raise awareness of the advantages of getting involved with volunteering; while also encouraging those not yet involved to look into the opportunities available in their area.
Established in 1984 by Volunteering England, events and celebrations occur across the country, with each year having a different theme. This year’s theme is ‘A time to say thanks’. June is also the #MonthofCommunity – a focus on bringing together organisations and encouraging people to get involved with activities in the local area.
This year, Volunteers’ Week joins forces with the #IWill movement, in honour of Power of Youth Day. This is an annual acknowledgement of the contributions children and young people make and the parts they play in society.
Alex and David, director and sales director at JB Springs, are keen to lend their Springtelligence expertise through volunteering any way they can; regularly getting involved with local and virtual events through their volunteering as STEM Ambassadors. These include: webinars hosted by the Transpennine STEM Ambassador Hub, welcoming classes of local schoolchildren to the factory, and recently providing a compilation of sounds recorded throughout the JB Springs factory for use by the National Science and Media Museum in a resource available to primary schools, along with a talk explaining the work we do which creates these sounds.
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