Our Christmas Advert!

Categories: Company News|150 words|0.8 min read|By |Published On: December 9th, 2020|

Yes, you read it right! Over the past few months, Christmas has been at the back of our minds. We decided that now more than ever some festive frivolity was in order. Various ideas were bandied about – many meeting their demise as soon as COVID was considered!

Then, we had it. We thought, “what’s something which always goes down well at this time of year?” and the answer to this was a fabulously festive Christmas advert! So, we put our JLMT hats on (that’s John Lewis Marketing Team) and came up with a short and sweet storyline for the season.

Now, we’ve done our best with not having the years of Christmas ad experience and manpower of John Lewis! We just thought it would a nice, little thing to get you feeling festive.

So grab some popcorn and see the premiere for yourself in the video below!