Grant Funding Enables Productivity & Efficiency Improvements

Categories: Company News, News, Videos|187 words|1 min read|By |Published On: December 17th, 2018|

Over the last few months there have been a number of developments at the JB Springs factory in Skipton that have already contributed to improvements in productivity and efficiency, which we expect to continue throughout 2019 and beyond.

Improvements to both factory floor operations and our back-office systems and procedures have been made possible through a number of grant funded initiatives.

Factory Expansion & Efficiency

The JB Springs factory has been expanded by 6,000sq feet which includes a new raw materials store.

As well as expanding the facility, a number of changes have been made to improve productivity as we continue to employ a lean manufacturing ethos.  For example high density mobile racking has been installed in the new raw materials store, which can save 80% of the square meterage occupied by conventional storage.

Office Systems & Processes

In addition to the productivity improvements being made on the factory, JB Springs is working with business and process improvement experts Fluere to enhance and streamline office procedures and information flows throughout the company.

This will have benefits to both the company and our customers as we continually strive for excellence.

High Density Mobile Racking