JB Springs Supply Chain Unaffected By Coronavirus

Categories: Company News, Engineering, Manufacturing, Wireform|133 words|0.7 min read|By |Published On: February 21st, 2020|

We have been asked by a number of our customers if our supply chain is likely to be affected by the outbreak of the coronavirus originating from China.

As a UK spring manufacturer, we source the vast majority of our raw materials from the UK and Europe and do not have any originating from China. As a result, our supply chain is currently unaffected by the coronavirus. We will, of course, advise if the situation changes.

Companies should act promptly to assess the risk that the coronavirus, officially Covid-19, poses to their supply chains and their ability to meet obligations under customer contracts. If you are experiencing, or anticipate, disruption within your existing supply chain as a result of the coronavirus outbreak please contact us to see if we can be of assistance.