Giggleswick School Receive Springtelligence Class & Factory Tour

Categories: Company News, News, Springs, Springtelligence|232 words|1.2 min read|By |Published On: April 24th, 2024|

JB Springs’ managing director, Alex Driver, was recently invited to Giggleswick School to give a presentation on all things springs-related to their junior school.

The talks were well-received with lots of questions and interest from the students, such as, “Do you think you could go a whole day without using a spring?”  (The answer being, it’s very unlikely.)

As a follow up to these talks, the Year 6 group recently came to JB Springs for a tour of the factory in Skipton and were able to see for themselves exactly how springs are made.

They saw compression springs being coiled and ground, torsion and tension springs being formed, and the laser cutter and flat spring department in operation.  They enjoyed seeing the technology used in the factory, with lasers and cameras helping to ensure the springs are made correctly.

Perhaps there will be some engineers of the future amongst them.

If you would like to learn more about springs, please visit our dedicated Springtelligence section of our website where there are blogs, articles, and helpful videos all about springs.

If you would like us to conduct a Springtelligence session at your school or college, or would even like to arrange a trip to our purpose-built factory in Skipton, North Yorkshire then get in touch on 01756 797 979.

Springtelligence Class Delivered at Giggleswick School
Springtelligence Class Delivered at Giggleswick School