The Perfect Present for Little Literature Lovers!

Categories: Company News, Engineering, News, Springs, Springtelligence|320 words|1.6 min read|By |Published On: December 9th, 2020|

Back in October, a very special book was published – Jo Nelson’s The Secret Story of Springs. What makes this book so special to us, is that we were asked to contribute our spring expertise – and duly did!

Published by Oxford University Press, The Secret Story of Springs introduces children to the abundant applications in which springs are used – from tweezers to trampolines – and has a great glossary of 300 words to help children achieve success at school!

We were honoured to have been able to be part of a project which aligns so closely with our values as a company – from our regular hosting of apprentices to the workshops we deliver across local schools, at JB Springs we seize the opportunity to share our Springtelligence knowledge with anyone and everyone!

The Secret Story of Springs Book

The author – Jo Nelson – specialises in writing educational books in a way which makes the information as interesting and intriguing as possible for children, so it was a pleasure for us to advise on her brand new book.

It would be a great stocking filler for any youngsters close to your heart!

You can buy a paperback copy of the book by clicking here.